The purpose of this chapter is to examine Management Cybernetics as a primary underpinning for Complex System Governance (CSG). The origins of Management Cybernetics and how the Viable System Model (VSM) can be used to model systems (organizations) as a means of understanding control and governance within an organization are suggested. The central tenets of the Management Cybernetics field are surveyed. The essential background for the Viable System Model (VSM) is provided as a critical foundation for CSG. This background includes the historical basis of the VSM, basic laws of cybernetics, the characteristics of the VSM, and the relationship between cybernetics and control for the VSM. The approach to system modeling with the VSM is provided. The five systems of the VSM are presented in detail with respect to their unique role within the model. Additionally, interactions within the VSM are examined. The communication channels within the VSM are explained. The chapter closes with a set of exercises.
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